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1000 Saxophones on the Great Wall of China

Saxophones of the world unite!

This is a message from Don of the Nuclear Whales Saxophone Ensemble.

Everything is looking very good for the Great Wall Concert. As I mentioned in the last Great Wall update, the Chinese cultural ambassador in Washington D.C., who is now supporting this project, referred it to Mr. Zhang Yu, who is the president of the China Performing Arts Agency (CPAA). CPAA is the oldest, largest, and most authoritative performing arts organization in China. Mr. Zhang and the CPAA are very enthusiastic to get 1000 saxophone players on the Great Wall to blow away, so to speak.

We have settled on a new date of June 21, 2003 and are planning to stage an additional concert on the historic Huangpu River Bund in Shanghai on June 25. We have also lengthened and modified the itinerary to allow for more sightseeing and the additional concert in Shanghai, for those who wish to do so.

Accommodations and other travel details are being investigated at the moment and we should have the trip cost determined by the end of this month (July) and begin official registration shortly thereafter.

This process has been a little like the infamous Long March, but I believe we are almost there.

Please check the new tentative itinerary below. I’ll be in touch with another update shortly.

If you wish to participate or have further questions, they can be addressed to Don at [email protected]

Don AKA Pod Leader

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