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P. Mauriat System 76DK 'Dark Lacquer' Tenor Sax, Serial #PM0822018 - Fresh SQ Ovherhaul

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Product ID: PM0822018Sysm76DKTen


HELP, I Want One!

Freshly Overhauled by SQ
This is a mint condition P. Mauriat System 76DK “Dark Lacquer” tenor saxophone, serial number PM0822018. 
The saxophone is in beautiful condition. It is an older store stock item from Saxquest. It was played at a few trade shows and in our store. It has never been owned or extensively played.  If you look over it very closely you might find a few blemishes here and there but no major wear to note. The body is still in pristine physical condition as is the original Super VI neck. The sax recently received a complete professional overhaul from our shop. It is now in perfect playing condition and is outfitted with a premium set of pads, resonators and all new key materials. 
The System 76 plays with a quick and direct response to air flow while featuring a precise and clear attack. In comparison to the 66R models the 76DK has a more straight forward focused sonic character to the way it plays. This one in particular has a warm and very rich character. It was just completely overhauled in our shop. The entire horn was dissembled, cleaned and inspected before undergoing thorough key fitting and regulation. It is now in perfect playing condition with a new set of premium leather pads, metal dome resonators and all new felt and cork materials.  
Ships in perfect playing condition with a professional overhaul from our shop as well as a new protec case.